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Avoid frights this Halloween with toilet door signs

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Avoid frights this Halloween with toilet door signs

We’ve all been there, needing the loo out in public, quick and eager to get to the bathroom without delay.

Halloween or not, no one wants the fright of walking into the wrong room. So, how handy is it when you know where to go by simply spotting the small male or female symbol fixed to the door?

Keen to help visitors avoid any awkward encounters?  Read on to discover more about the benefits of proper toiler door signage.

What are toilet door signs? 

Toilet signs are helpful little indicators fitted to toilet doors designed to save customers from the horror and embarrassment of accidentally entering the wrong toilets…

We use toilet door signs without even thinking about it in restaurants, offices, schools, and sports centres to name only a few.  

The beauty of these signs is that they’re universally recognisable, meaning visitors who don’t speak English still know which toilets to use.

How many different signs are there?

There are several common toilet signs you’re likely to have come across before. If not, don’t worry. This section will cover seven signs you may need to consider for your building.

1. Men’s toilet sign

Simple and easily recognisable, this toilet sign guides men to the male toilets. It looks like a figure with straight shoulders and a wide-leg stance.

2. Ladies’ toilet sign

The sign for the ladies’ toilet is just as unmistakable as the men’s. The most noticeable feature is a skirt and closed-leg stance, which points women towards the female bathroom.

3. Unisex toilet sign

As unisex toilets are for all, this sign is simply the male and female symbols next to each other.

4. Disabled toilet sign 

Toilets designed for disabled people are more distinct from others as they allow wheelchair access.

The disabled toilet sign is easy to recognise. It features a sitting figure on a curved line, representing a wheelchair.

5. W.C. toilet sign

In some smaller buildings, there simply isn’t enough room for multiple toilets.

W.C. is a lettered symbol that lets customers know there’s a toilet that can be used by anyone. WC stands for water closet.

6. Baby change sign

To give mum, or dad, more space and privacy when changing their little one, a baby change is often installed in a separate room, away from the toilets.

The baby change symbol usually looks like a small figure lying down on a line with legs pointed upwards.

7. Shower facility sign

In sports centres, shower facilities are usually available. The shower sign is straightforward, having a triangular shower head with water droplets below.

Some companies like to modify these symbols to fit their brand, but we recommend using standard signage to avoid confusing your customers.

Why should you use toilet signs?

Keeping customers and staff happy, and your building looking professional, should be at the top of the priority list.

Installing toilet signage is a simple way to show visitors that you care – but why else is it a good idea to use them?

Toilet signs make it easier for visitors to navigate their way around your building

Finding the toilet should never feel like a maze for customers or new staff members.

And it’s unlikely to create a good impression if customers are opening doors to the wrong bathrooms, stock rooms and cleaning supplies. Not to mention making them feel a tad humiliated and uncomfortable.

Universally recognised symbols are also a great aid for visitors who can’t speak English and would struggle to understand verbal directions.

Clear signs make life simpler for visitors, your staff and you!

Toilet signs keep your facilities looking smart and professional

It can be off-putting if commercial bathrooms aren’t marked with signs. Customers don’t know what to expect, and not fitting them can come across as lazy and inconsiderate.  

If you want your business to look professional, purchase toilet signage: it’s quick, easy and very affordable.

Signs are available from as little as £5 and can be installed by anyone.

Toilet signs are installed for health and safety reasons

Toilet doors with no signage may be mistaken for an emergency exit during an incident. Although fire exits should be clearly marked, adding toilet signs reduces the risk of confusion.

What are signs made of?

Toilet signs are available in many different materials and finishes. Some are metal, whilst others are plastic vinyl.

Our range are circular in design and available in two stainless steel finishes: polished and satin.

Stainless steel is perfect for toilet signage as it’s robust, resistant to corrosion and looks tasteful.

We also supply the correct fittings with all our signs, so there’s no need to worry about buying screws separately.

Invest in toilet door signage for your building

When it comes to improving your building, don’t forget about fitting toilet signage.

Toilet door signs are an easy and affordable way to improve your customer experience, which is the key to a successful business.

From toilet door signs to baby change units, you’ll find it all at MP Fittings.

Shop the range now or for more information and advice regarding toilet signage, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can call us on 0151 345 0699 or fill in our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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